Miscellaneous » Registration Information » Frequently Asked Questions - Returning Students

Frequently Asked Questions - Returning Students

Q: What if I don’t have a username/password to log into the my MDIRSS PS parent account or I have forgotten my credentials?
A: Please call your schools tech support for assistance.
Q: Do I need to have any documentation to complete my returning student registration?
A: If your child has received new immunizations: Immunization Record.  If you have a new address: Proof of Residence in your enrolled schools township. An original lease/mortgage agreement, water, natural gas, or electric bill are acceptable.   If you have any active custody orders that the campus does not already have a copy: Custody Document.  You may submit your required documents electronically during the online registration process.
Q: Do I have to answer all the questions?
A: All questions marked with a red asterisk (*) are required. Please do not skip questions! Reviewing your student’s data and answering the questions in the order provided will make completing the process much easier.  While you can go back to any question, parents often find it difficult to remember where they skipped a question and can end up spending unnecessary time searching for skipped questions.  So make it easy on yourself and don’t skip a question! Follow the order outlined in the form.
Q: What if I make a mistake?
A: No worries! If you would like to make a change prior to submitting the form, you can navigate back to the page using the “< Prev” and “Next >” buttons. Or, if you are already on the Review page, just click on the underlined field to return to that section.  If you have already submitted the form, you will need to contact your enrollment schools' office so they can make the changes for you.
Q: I’ve completed the form, but it won’t let me submit it. What happened?
A: If you cannot click the “submit” button, please go back through the form and make sure that you have answered all required questions. A table will appear on the Summary page that will let you how many questions on each page are missing and required. Each section that is complete will have a green indicator. Missing questions will have a red indicator.  A common issue we are seeing involves the “guardian” and “emergency contact” fields.  **Please note: You CANNOT enter the same contact information for guardians that you enter under emergency contacts. You must assign additional individuals — family members or close friends — as your emergency contacts. This is required because in an emergency when guardians cannot be reached, schools need to have another contact to call.  Please know that guardians are always contacted first before emergency contacts are called.
Q: What if I have more than one student in the district? Do I need to do this for each child?
A: Yes, because you’ll need to provide information that is specific for each child. We recommend that you complete and submit one form and then start another – this will save you time!

Need Help?  Contact the enrolling school for guidance.

  • Conners Emerson School (K-8) - (207) 288-3631
  • Cranberry Isles Schools (K-8) - (207) 288-5049
  • Frenchboro Elementary School (K-8) - (207) 288-5049
  • Mount Desert Elementary School (PreK-8) - (207) 276-3348
  • Mount Desert Island High School (9-12) - (207) 288-5011
  • Pemetic Elementary School (PreK-8) - (207) 244-5502
  • Swan's Island Elementary School (K-8) - (207) 526-4300
  • Tremont Consolidated School (K-8) - (207) 244-7777
  • Trenton Elementary School (PreK-8) - (207) 667-8447